
Subaccounts are primarily designed for agencies and resellers with different customers of their own, who wish to keep their customers' data completely separate from each other. The account that creates and manages subaccounts is called the master account. The master account sets a monthly email limit for each subaccount, and any email usage by a subaccount simply gets assigned to the master account for billing purposes. For example, if a subaccount sends 100 emails, then 100 emails will be assigned to the master account's usage. The only charges made are for the master account's overall plan and if additional paid features are used including SMS messaging, email archiving, email overage or extended activity storage duration.   

For more information on Subaccounts, see our Youtube channel.

2GO Subaccounts.png

Creating a Subaccount

  1. Navigate to "Settings > Subaccounts".
  2. Click "Add subaccount" on the right side of the screen.


  3. Add in the fields:

    • Subaccount name - the name that will appear on your Subaccounts page, and will only be seen by you.
    • Monthly email limit - the number of emails the subaccount can send each month. Each subaccount can have its limit set up to (and including) the master account's monthly email limit.
    • Allow archiving - enable the ability for the subaccount to utilize Email Archiving (additional charges apply).
    • Enable SMS - enable the ability for the subaccount to send SMS Messages and set the monthly limit (additional charges apply).
    • Dedicated IP - optionally add a dedicated IP address if you allocate 100,000 emails per month and above, and your master account is on the Professional 100,000 emails per month plan or above. 
    • IP Pool - if the master account has multiple dedicated IP addresses split between IP Pools, you can assign the subaccount to send via a specific IP Pool.
    • Enforce 2FA - enforce all team members to se 2FA when accessing the subaccount.  
    • Verification - this is to verify that your subaccount will comply with our Terms of Service.

  4. Click "Add subaccount" to create the new subaccount.


Managing Subaccounts

Logging in to a subaccount

You can log in to any subaccount by clicking the "Log in as" button for any subaccount on the "Subaccounts" page, or by selecting the drop-down arrow on the far right of the subaccount row and selecting "Log in as subaccount". While logged into a subaccount, the blue "Subaccounts" button will show at the top of the dashboard where you can click to go back to the master account or switch to another subaccount. 


Note: Team members in the master account who have "Owner" and "Admin" permissions will have the ability to access and manage subaccounts. A team member with the "Reports" permission currently cannot access subaccounts.

Editing a subaccount

You can edit the main details of a subaccount at any time by choosing the "Edit details" option in the dropdown list (as seen above) or by clicking on the subaccount's name. This is how you can update the monthly allowance, SMS allowance and further details.

Add team members to have login access to a subaccount

You can invite team members to have subaccount access via the subaccount's "Account > Edit Team" page. Further information can be found in our Team Setup article. 


You can easily allow Archiving for an account from the drop-down menu. A single click will allow archiving. It is important to note that archiving then needs to be enabled within the subaccount for each individual sender (SMTP User, API key or authenticated IP address) that requires it. Additional charges will apply. 

SMS Messaging

You can easily allow SMS Messaging for an account from the drop-down menu. A single click will enable or disable SMS Messaging. The monthly SMS limit can be set on the subaccount's "Edit subaccount" section by clicking on the subaccount's name or clicking "Edit details" in the drop-down menu. Additional charges will apply. 


You can enable enforcement of 2FA for the subaccount so all team members will be required to set up and use 2FA when accessing the subaccount. 

Closing a subaccount

A subaccount can be closed as well as re-opened by the master account. Select the arrow icon on the subaccount’s right-hand side to locate the “Close Subaccount” option. A closed subaccount can optionally also be reactivated as a standalone account by signing into the closed subaccount’s dashboard and clicking the “Renew My Account” button.

Migrate Sending (master account to subaccount)

To move sending from the master account to a subaccount, you can use the "Migrate" button on the "Settings > Subaccounts" page. On the Migrate page, you can choose to transfer existing SMTP Users, Authenticated IPs or API Keys to your selected subaccount.
It's important to note when you do the migration, sending will switch to be through the subaccount so you will need to ensure you have sender verification completed in the subaccount first or sending will be rejected.

More Subaccount Detail

Generally, subaccounts behave the same as ordinary SMTP2GO accounts. There are some exceptions to this as outlined below.

A subaccount cannot go over its email allowance - after a subaccount has reached its limit, any attempts to send emails are rejected, rather than queued. You can change a subaccount's quota at any time. We send email alerts to the master account when a subaccount is nearing its limit.

Subaccounts don't have access to billing, or adding more than one dedicated IP address.

If a subaccount isn't assigned its own dedicated IP address, it uses any dedicated IP address(es) of its master account. If your subaccount has a limit of 100,000 emails or more, you can choose to include a dedicated IP address for $19 per month. If the master account has multiple dedicated IPs which are split into IP Pools, you will have the ability to assign subaccounts to to a specific IP Pool. 

If you manage multiple standalone accounts and wish to merge those into being subaccounts of a master account for easy management, please reach out to support who will assist further. 

SMTP2GO Support will contact subaccounts directly should there be an issue with email sending through their account.


If you have questions or require assistance with subaccounts, please reach out to our support team available in all time zones via live chat, email ticket or phone.

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