DNS Setup for Cloudflare

The following guide is relevant for SMTP2GO customers, who have a domain name hosted with Cloudflare.

Step 1

Log in to Cloudflare and select the appropriate domain name.


Step 2

Go to the DNS section.


Step 3

To create a new record, on the DNS managment section for the domain click the Add Record button.

Select the CNAME option from the Type drop-down menu.

Enter the Hostname we recommend for your CNAME record into the Name field.
Note: You only need to add the first part of the recommended hostname without your domain name appended to the end. E.g. only 'link' instead of link.yourdomain.com' or only 'em12345' instead of 'em12345.yourdomain.com'.

Enter the Value we recommend for your CNAME record into the Target field.

Make sure that you set the Proxy status of the CNAME record to be 'DNS only'. At the time of writing, this is currently achieved by clicking the Proxy status option so it is off/disabled and the cloud icon will turn grey.

The TTL (Time to Live) can be set to Auto.

Click Save.

Cloudflare add record.png


You can find the "Hostname" and "Value" on the Sending > Verified Senders > Sender domains section of your SMTP2GO Dashboard.

Repeat step 3 for each required CNAME record.

Further information can be found in Cloudflare's documentation.

UPDATE (02/04/25): Cloudflare has introduced a new feature called "CNAME Flattening." This feature must be disabled for the records to verify.

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