
The Suppressions page is a comprehensive list of all addresses that are actively blocked from receiving emails through your account. You’ll locate this list by visiting the “Reports > Suppressions” section of your account’s dashboard.

Email addresses on this page include: previous hard-bounces (automatically removed after 7 days), spam complaints, unsubscribes, and manually added addresses.


Individual recipient addresses or entire domains can be manually added by selecting the “Add Suppression” button located at the top-right of the page. This is also possible via API (POST /blocklist/add). 

An address or domain may be removed if necessary by clicking the “x” icon. Multiple addresses may be removed by checking the appropriate checkboxes and selecting the “Delete Selected”  button at the bottom-left of the page.

The "Export" button allows you to export data from the page as a CSV, XML or NDJSON file. 
Accounts on paid plans can automate reports for data from the Activity page to be delivered via email to selected addresses either daily, weekly or monthly by using the Scheduled Reporting feature.

The “|||” icon (located under to the blue “Search” button along the top of the page) allows you to display optional columns for further information including the Reason and Subject.

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